Friday, April 06, 2007

New Lap Top"

This week has been a sick week for me. Now, have been much better already..only my "sexy" voice still haven't recovered. I was recommended to eat more fruits to gain more Vitamin C.. Yes, I did.. Eating right now!

I have purchased a new laptop already last thursday. Been going to all the folders and panels but still not so sure what each function does. My notebook model is NEC Versa L2100. The screen is 15-inch width which was a width that I initially opposed about. It was a total mistake. I didn't purposely buy a 15" pc but was looking for 14" instead.

When I was looking at the leaflets provided by the salesperson, it said that "14.1 INCH" and I didn't bother to check clearly as I believed wholly on the specifications listed. Then when my sister went to take it from the shop, she then tells me it's not 14 inch but 15". Oh boy, I have no choice now but to adapt to the new screen as $$ have already been paid.

I was so not used to using touchpad, always clicked on the wrong thing..But, I guess I shall get used to it soon...The pc is now so empty. My things are not transfer into this pc yet. Seems that I have a lot of things to insert before I can use it throughly..

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