Saturday, December 23, 2006

X-mas Time!

Christmas is for love. It is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for reuniting with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly decorated packages.

But mostly, Christmas is for love. I had not believed this until a small elf-like student with wide-eyed innocent eyes and soft rosy cheeks gave me a wondrous gift one Christmas.

“Happy Christmas” is what I chose to say But other greetings are used for the day By one and all during the festive season And foreign languages are the reason.

There's "Frolyke Kerstfeest" or "Joyoo Noel", "Felleeth Navidad", even "Glaydlig Yool", "Kalla Kristoogenna", "Boo-on Natarlee" ,"Boas Festas" or "Sheng Dan Kwhy Lee".

You could say "Frerlicker Vine-akten" Or maybe "Roshdesrom Kristovim", then So you can say it in very many ways. But please never say “Happy Holidays”.

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